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-title: Lighttpd
-inMenu: true
-directoryName: Documentation
-*I'm sad to say that I have to recommend people not use lighttpd anymore.*
-The author hasn't updated the mod_proxy plugin and isn't providing too much
-support for the bugs it has.  If you're running lighttpd and you constantly
-see 500 errors that are never recovered, then you should switch to Apache
-or another web server that can handle properly balancing backends.
-h1.  Using Lighttpd With Mongrel
-It is possible to host an application with just Mongrel since it is
-able to serve files like a normal web server.  Still, no matter
-how fast Mongrel gets it probably can't compete with something
-like lighttpd for serving static files.  Because of this I've
-devised a simple way to setup a lighttpd+Mongrel setup that
-demonstrates clustering four Mongrel servers running the same
-application as backends.
-This is very similar to a FastCGI or SCGI setup except that
-you're just using regular HTTP.  Read through the "HOWTO":howto.html
-for information on other possible deployment scenarios.
-h2.  The Goal
-What we want to do is put a lighttpd on the internet and then
-have it proxy back to one of four Mongrel servers.
-This is actually really trivial and probably doesn't need a diagram
-but I got bored just writing it up.
-How it all works is pretty simple:
-# Requests come to the lighttpd server.
-# Lighttpd takes each request, and sends it to a backend depending
-  on how you configure it:
-  * hash -- Hashes the request URI and makes sure that it goes to the same backend.
-  * round-robin -- Just chooses another host for each request.
-  * fair -- "Load based, passive balancing."  No idea what that means, but if it's like
-    the rest of lighttpd it probably means it will overload the first one and if that one's
-    busy then it starts using the next ones.
-# Each backend doesn't really care about any of this since it's just a web server.
-h2. Lighttpd Configuration
-For lighttpd you need to have *mod_proxy* in your server.modules setting:
- server.modules = ( "mod_rewrite", "mod_redirect",
-   "mod_access", "mod_accesslog", "mod_compress",
-   "mod_proxy")
-Then you need to tell lighttpd where the other backends are located:
- proxy.balance = "fair"
- proxy.server  = ( "/" =>
-      ( ( "host" => "", "port" => 8001 ),
-      ( "host" => "", "port" => 8002 ),
-      ( "host" => "", "port" => 8003 ),
-      ( "host" => "", "port" => 8004 ) ) )
-When I used lighttpd 1.4.9 and set proxy.balance="round-robin" I had an excessive number of
-500 errors for no real reason.  The "fair" setting seems to be the best, but if you
-have a large number of fairly random URIs you should try "hash" too.
-*For the rest of this tutorial we'll assume you're running lighttpd on port 80.*
-h2. Mongrel Configuration
-Mongrel is pretty easy to setup with this configuration on either Win32 or Unix, but
-since lighttpd doesn't compile so easily on Win32 I'll just show the Unix method
-for starting it:
- $ mongrel_rails start -d -p 8001 \
-    -e production -P log/mongrel-1.pid
- $ mongrel_rails start -d -p 8002 \
-    -e production -P log/mongrel-2.pid
- $ mongrel_rails start -d -p 8003 \
-    -e production -P log/mongrel-3.pid
- $ mongrel_rails start -d -p 8004 \
-    -e production -P log/mongrel-4.pid
-Now you should be able to hit your web server at port 80 and it'll run against
-one of your four Mongrels.
-h2.  Testing Stability and Performance
-As I mentioned before proxy.balance="round-robin" had many stability issues
-in lighttpd 1.4.9 but how did I figure this out?  Here's how you can do it.
-You use "httperf":http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/httperf/ to first hit each
-Mongrel backend with a large request set.  
- $ httperf --port 8001 --server \
-     --num-conns 300 --uri /test
- $ httperf --port 8002 --server \
-     --num-conns 300 --uri /test
- $ httperf --port 8003 --server \
-     --num-conns 300 --uri /test
- $ httperf --port 8004 --server \
-     --num-conns 300 --uri /test
-After each of these you're looking for the *Connection rate*, *Request rate*,
-*Reply rate*, and *Reply status*.  You first look at the *Reply status* to make
-sure that you got all 2xx messages.  Then look at the other three and make
-sure they are about the same.
-Then you hit lighttpd with a similar request set to confirm that it handles the base case.
- $ httperf --port 80 --server \
-     --num-conns 300 --uri /test
-You should get no 5xx errors.  In the case of round-robin there were about 60%
-5xx errors even though the Mongrels were functioning just fine.  The "hash" method
-didn't improve this test's performance since there's only on URI in the test.  It
-seems the "fair" method is the best you can do right now.
-Finally you hit lighttpd with a 4x rate to see if it could handle the theoretical limit.
- $ httperf --port 80 --server \
-     --num-conns 10000 --uri /test --rate 600
-It will most likely fail miserably and you'll probably see a few 5xx counts in the
-*Reply status* line but that's normal.  What you're looking to do is keep moving
---rate and --num-conns up/down until you get where the server is just barely
-able to accept the requests without slowing down (i.e. your *Request rate* matches
-your --rate setting).   There will be a point where adding literally one more
-to your --rate setting causes the Request rate to tank. That's your setup's breaking
-point and is the actual requests/second you can handle.
-h1. Insane Caching Power Magnet
-Mongrel (as of 0.3.7) by default supports Rails style page caching
-in the RailsHandler it uses to serve your applications.  What this
-means is that if you do a page cached action (which writes a
-.html file as well as respond) then Mongrel will just serve up
-the cached page instead of bug Rails.
-This does give you a large boost in performance, but still not nearly
-as much as if you had lighttpd doing the caching for you.  The optimal
-configuration would be where lighttpd checks for cached pages and then
-served it directly as it already does with FastCGI.
-There are some technical problems with this and the lighttpd mod_proxy,
-but thankfully I don't have to go into them because lighttpd now supports
-the "power magnet" and Cache Meta Language (CML).  CML is a small bit
-of the Lua programming language that lets you script lighttpd and tell
-it when to cache or not.  The power magnet feature of CML lets you put
-all requests through one CML script so that you can determine whether
-to cache or not.
-h2. Configuration
-In order to get everything to work right you'll need a few pieces
-of equipment and make sure they are enabled in your lighttpd build.
-The sample build was done on Debian so that everything would work
-including mod_rewrite, mod_memcache, mod_cml, and mod_redirect.
-* lua50, liblua50-dev
-* libpcre3-dev
-* memcached
-* Finally make sure you configure with ./configure --with-lua --with-memcache
-Debian people will need to follow these instructions from
-for installing from source, and will also need to add these lines to your
- deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
- deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
- deb-src http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
-And then do the following:
-# Make sure you don't have the source extracted in your current directory.
-# apt-get install devscripts debhelper build-essential fakeroot
-# apt-get update
-# apt-get source lighttpd
-# nano -w lighttpd-1.4.10/debian/rules
-## DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS need have at the end:  --with-lua --with-memcache
-# nano -w lighttpd-1.4.10/debian/lighttpd.install
-## debian/tmp/usr/lib/lighttpd/mod_cml.so needs to be added here.
-Then you're supposed to be able to follow the debian-administration
-docs but I haven't got it all working yet.  Please clue me in
-if you get this compiled on Debian.
-h3. lighttpd.conf
-If it all builds right then you'll be able to use this nifty
-CML script that Bradley K. Taylor (from railsmachine.net) came
-up with.  First you need to tweak your lighttpd.conf at the
-place where you have the mod_proxy setup from previous:
- $HTTP["host"] == "www.myhost.come" {
-   server.document-root = "/my/path/to/app/public"
-   cml.power-magnet  = "/my/path/to/app/config/power-magnet.cml"
-   proxy.balance = "fair"
-   proxy.server  = ( "/" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => 8001 ),
-                          ( "host" => "", "port" => 8002 ) ) )
- }
-This one just has two for simplicity.  The big thing is the
-document root setting and the power-magnet.cml setting.  I wouldn't
-put the power-magnet.cml in your public directory.
-h3. power-magnet.cml
-Now for the magic bit of Lua code that tells lighttpd what to do:
- dr = request["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]
- if file_isreg(dr .. "maintainance.html") then
-   output_include = { dr .. "maintainance.html" }
-   return CACHE_HIT
- end
- f = request["REQUEST_URI"]
- if f == "/" or f == "" then
-   file = dr .. "index.html"
- elseif not string.find(f, "%.") then  -- rewrite for cached pages
-   file = dr .. f .. ".html"
- else
-   file = dr .. f
- end
- if file_isreg(file) then
-   output_include = { file }
-   return CACHE_HIT
- end
- return 1     -- should be CACHE_MISS, but there's a bug in 1.4.10
-Place this in the /my/path/to/app/config/power-magnet.cml like you
-configured above.
-Now if you restart lighttpd and everything worked right you should
-be able to see the headers and tell if Mongrel or lighttpd is serving
-them.  Use curl like this:
- curl -I http://zedapp.railsmachine.net/
- curl -I http://zedapp.railsmachine.net/admin
-The second one should redirect and show a Mongrel header while the
-first one should show a lighttpd header.
-h2. Memcached
-The next installment of this document will tell you how to setup a
-memcached so that you can run the lighttpd on a different server
-from the Mongrel cluster.  Right now they all have to reside
-on one machine.
-h2. CML Tricks
-Since Lua is a full blown and fast little language
-you can get pretty creative with it.  For example you could
-have it check dates and times of files, look for processes
-that should be running, run commands, check the contents of
-a file, etc.
-Take a look at the "Lua Reference Manual":http://www.lua.org/manual/5.0/
-to see what it can do.  Ruby people will probably like Lua.