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path: root/test/unit/test_server.rb
DateCommit message (Collapse)
2011-06-17ensure at_exit handlers run on graceful shutdown
rescuing from SystemExit and exit()-ing again is ugly, but changes made to lower stack depth positively affect _everyone_ so we'll tolerate some ugliness here. We'll need to disable graceful exit for some tests, too...
2011-02-02Fix Ruby 1.9.3dev warnings
for i in `git ls-files '*.rb'`; do ruby -w -c $i; done
2010-04-30add global Unicorn.listener_names method
This is useful as a :listeners argument when setting up Raindrops::Middleware (http://raindrops.bogomips.org/), as it can be done automatically.
2010-01-19initialize signal handlers before writing pid file
This prevents trigger-happy init scripts from reading the pid file (and thus sending signals) to a not-fully initialized master process to handle them. This does NOT fix anything if other processes are sending signals prematurely without relying on the presence of the pid file. It's not possible to prevent all cases of this in one process, even in a purely C application, so we won't bother trying. We continue to always defer signal handling to the main loop anyways, and signals sent to the master process will be deferred/ignored until Unicorn::HttpServer#join is run.
2009-12-14set env["rack.logger"] for applications
rack.git upstream has it, so it will likely be in Rack 1.1
2009-11-15tee_input: expand client error handling
First move it to a separate method, this allows subclasses to reuse our error handler. Additionally, capture HttpParserError as well since backtraces are worthless when a client sends us a bad request, too.
2009-11-15test_server: ensure stderr is written to before reading
This works around a race condition caused by the server closing the connection before writing out to stderr in the ensure block. So to ensure we've waited on the server to write to the log file, just send another HTTP request since we know our test server only processes requests serially.
2009-11-13raise Unicorn::ClientShutdown if client aborts in TeeInput
Leaving the EOFError exception as-is bad because most applications/frameworks run an application-wide exception handler to pretty-print and/or log the exception with a huge backtrace. Since there's absolutely nothing we can do in the server-side app to deal with clients prematurely shutting down, having a backtrace does not make sense. Having a backtrace can even be harmful since it creates unnecessary noise for application engineers monitoring or tracking down real bugs.
2009-09-08"encoding: binary" comments for all sources (1.9)
This ensures any string literals that pop up in *our* code will just be a bag of bytes. This shouldn't affect/fix/break existing apps in most cases, but most constants will always have the "correct" encoding (none!) to be consistent with HTTP/socket expectations. Since this comment affects things only on a per-source basis, it won't affect existing apps with the exception of strings we pass to the Rack application. This will eventually allow us to get rid of that Unicorn::Z constant, too.
2009-09-03Support HTTP/0.9 entity-body-only responses
HTTP/0.9 GET requests expect responses without headers. Some weird applications/tools still use the ancient HTTP/0.9 protocol for weird reasons, so we'll support them. ref: rfc 1945, section 4.1
2009-08-09Switch to Ragel/C-based chunk/trailer parser
This should be more robust, faster and easier to deal with than the ugly proof-of-concept regexp-based ones.
2009-06-29"Fix" tests that break with stream_input=false
2009-06-10Optimize body-less GET/HEAD requests (again)
No point in making syscalls to deal with empty bodies. Reinstate usage of the NULL_IO object which allows us to avoid allocating new objects.
2009-04-10close listeners when removing them from our array
This fixes a long-standing bug where listeners would be removed from the known listener set during a reload but never correctly shut down (until reexec). Additionally, test_server was working around this bug (my fault, subconciously) as teardown did not unbind the socket, requiring the tests to grab a new port.
2009-04-05Add test for :preload_app config option
2009-03-27Always try to send a valid HTTP response back
This reworks error handling throughout the entire stack to be more Ruby-ish. Exceptions are raised instead of forcing the us to check return values. If a client is sending us a bad request, we send a 400. If unicorn or app breaks in an unexpected way, we'll send a 500. Both of these last-resort error responses are sent using IO#write_nonblock to avoid tying Unicorn up longer than necessary and all exceptions raised are ignored. Sending a valid HTTP response back should reduce the chance of us from being marked as down or broken by a load balancer. Previously, some load balancers would mark us as down if we close a socket without sending back a valid response; so make a best effort to send one. If for some reason we cannot write a valid response, we're still susceptible to being marked as down. A successful HttpResponse.write() call will now close the socket immediately (instead of doing it higher up the stack). This ensures the errors will never get written to the socket on a successful response.
2009-03-27test_server: quieter tests
2009-02-13tests: replace process_based_port with unused_port
unused_port is more reliable as it actually tries to bind a port and retries if it fails. This is also safe across parallel unicorn tests running in different directories.
2009-02-09Remove hard dependency on Rack
While we'll support anything that exposes a Rack-like interface (a very good one IMHO), we shouldn't have a hard dependency on Rack to simplify testing. While we're at it, I'm not using Daemons anymore, either, since that does too many things behind our back as far as daemonization goes. As a result of not depending on Rubygems, either, I've sped up my "make -j" test ~1.5 seconds
2009-02-09Support multiple listeners per-process
Use select(2) to multiplex non-blocking accept(2) calls between them. Additionally, aggressively make a bet after accepting clients where we'll try to do a non-blocking accept(2) against the full set of descriptors. This is based on the assumption that if we just accepted connections, we're probably reasonably busy. This should lead to lower latency under high load; but some wasted cycles when requests come in intermitently. By this same logic, we don't really care for the thundering herd problem, either; since it is only noticeable with many (hundreds) of processes when most of them are idle.
2009-02-09Remove threading and use worker processes instead
All tests for threading and semaphores have been removed. One test was changed because it depended on a shared variable. Tests will be replaced with tests to do process management instead.
Avoid conflicting with existing Mongrel libraries since we'll be incompatible and break things w/o disrupting Mongrel installations.
2009-01-31Mongrel.run(app, opts)
2009-01-31Started in test_server