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path: root/test/unit/test_signals.rb
DateCommit message (Collapse)
2011-08-29add GPLv3 option to the license
Existing license terms (Ruby-specific) and GPLv2 remain in place, but GPLv3 is preferred as it helps with distribution of AGPLv3 code and is explicitly compatible with Apache License (v2.0). Many more reasons are documented by the FSF: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html http://gplv3.fsf.org/rms-why.html ref: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.ruby.unicorn.general/933
2011-06-17ensure at_exit handlers run on graceful shutdown
rescuing from SystemExit and exit()-ing again is ugly, but changes made to lower stack depth positively affect _everyone_ so we'll tolerate some ugliness here. We'll need to disable graceful exit for some tests, too...
2010-10-05test_signals: enable test under Rubinius
The bugs from signal handling were fixed in the Rubinius 1.1.0 release.
2010-06-17tests: reenable more tests for rbx
As of rbx commit cf4a5a759234faa3f7d8a92d68fa89d8c5048f72, most of the issues uncovered in our test suite are fixed.
2010-06-08test: mark failing tests for Rubinius
They cannot be worked around, but tickets have been filed upstream (I still hate all bug trackers besides Debian's). TCPServer.for_fd (needed for zero-downtime upgrades): http://github.com/evanphx/rubinius/issues/354 UnixServer.for_fd (needed for zero-downtime upgrades): http://github.com/evanphx/rubinius/issues/355 Signal handling behavior seems broken (OOM or segfaults): http://github.com/evanphx/rubinius/issues/356
2010-01-19initialize signal handlers before writing pid file
This prevents trigger-happy init scripts from reading the pid file (and thus sending signals) to a not-fully initialized master process to handle them. This does NOT fix anything if other processes are sending signals prematurely without relying on the presence of the pid file. It's not possible to prevent all cases of this in one process, even in a purely C application, so we won't bother trying. We continue to always defer signal handling to the main loop anyways, and signals sent to the master process will be deferred/ignored until Unicorn::HttpServer#join is run.
2009-10-31test_signals: avoid portability issues with fchmod(2)
Just write bytes to the file instead and track its size increase instead of its mode. As of now all the unit tests pass under FreeBSD 7.2.
2009-09-27test_signals: ensure we can parse pids in response
We don't want to accidentally kill every process in the process group.
2009-09-08"encoding: binary" comments for all sources (1.9)
This ensures any string literals that pop up in *our* code will just be a bag of bytes. This shouldn't affect/fix/break existing apps in most cases, but most constants will always have the "correct" encoding (none!) to be consistent with HTTP/socket expectations. Since this comment affects things only on a per-source basis, it won't affect existing apps with the exception of strings we pass to the Rack application. This will eventually allow us to get rid of that Unicorn::Z constant, too.
2009-08-10test_signals: unlink log files of KILL-ed process
The normal at_exit handlers can't work here
2009-06-29"Fix" tests that break with stream_input=false
2009-05-10Enforce minimum timeout at 3 seconds
2 seconds is still prone to race conditions under high load. We're intentionally less accurate than we could be in order to reduce syscall and method dispatch overhead.
2009-05-04test_signals: ready workers before connecting
Otherwise there's a chance a child won't have a socket bound by the time we're trying to connect.
2009-05-03Instant shutdown signals really mean instant shutdown
Use SIGQUIT if you're going to be nice and do graceful shutdowns. Sometimes people run real applications on this server and SIGINT/SIGTERM get lost/trapped when Object is rescued and that is not good. Also make sure we break out of the loop properly when the master is dead. Testcases added for both SIGINT and dead master handling.
2009-05-03Safer timeout handling and test case
Timeouts of less than 2 seconds are unsafe due to the lack of subsecond resolution in most POSIX filesystems. This is the trade-off for using a low-complexity solution for timeouts. Since this type of timeout is a last resort; 2 seconds is not entirely unreasonable IMNSHO. Additionally, timing out too aggressively can put us in a fork loop and slow down the system. Of course, the default is 60 seconds and most people do not bother to change it.
2009-04-13Expose worker to {before,after}_fork hooks
Instead of just worker.nr. This is a configuration file/API change and will break existing configurations. This allows worker.tempfile to be exposed to the hooks so ownership changes can still happen on it. On the other hand, I don't know of many people actually using this feature (or Unicorn).
2009-04-03Add a test for signal recovery
I/O on slow descriptors can be interrupted so make sure we (and Ruby itself) are handling EINTR correctly.