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path: root/test/unit/test_upload.rb
DateCommit message (Collapse)
2009-08-09test_upload: extra CRLF is needed
Our current TrailerParser is liberal and does not require it, but the to-be-activated Ragel one is not.
2009-07-01Force streaming input onto apps by default
This change gives applications full control to deny clients from uploading unwanted message bodies. This also paves the way for doing things like upload progress notification within applications in a Rack::Lint-compatible manner. Since we don't support HTTP keepalive, so we have more freedom here by being able to close TCP connections and deny clients the ability to write to us (and thus wasting our bandwidth). While I could've left this feature off by default indefinitely for maximum backwards compatibility (for arguably broken applications), Unicorn is not and has never been about supporting the lowest common denominator.
2009-06-30TrailerParser integration into ChunkedReader
Support for the "Trailer:" header and associated Trailer lines should be reasonably well supported now
2009-06-29"Fix" tests that break with stream_input=false
2009-06-29test_upload: fix ECONNRESET with 1.9
This has been broken since 6945342a1f0a4caaa918f2b0b1efef88824439e0 "Transfer-Encoding: chunked streaming input support" but somehow never caught by me or anyone else.
2009-06-29test_upload: add tests for chunked encoding
Additionally, provide verifications for sizes after-the-fact to avoid slamming all of our input into the server.
2009-06-05Transfer-Encoding: chunked streaming input support
This adds support for handling POST/PUT request bodies sent with chunked transfer encodings ("Transfer-Encoding: chunked"). Attention has been paid to ensure that a client cannot OOM us by sending an extremely large chunk. This implementation is pure Ruby as the Ragel-based implementation in rfuzz didn't offer a streaming interface. It should be reasonably close to RFC-compliant but please test it in an attempt to break it. The more interesting part is the ability to stream data to the hosted Rack application as it is being transferred to the server. This can be done regardless if the input is chunked or not, enabling the streaming of POST/PUT bodies can allow the hosted Rack application to process input as it receives it. See examples/echo.ru for an example echo server over HTTP. Enabling streaming also allows Rack applications to support upload progress monitoring previously supported by Mongrel handlers. Since Rack specifies that the input needs to be rewindable, this input is written to a temporary file (a la tee(1)) as it is streamed to the application the first time. Subsequent rewinded reads will read from the temporary file instead of the socket. Streaming input to the application is disabled by default since applications may not necessarily read the entire input body before returning. Since this is a completely new feature we've never seen in any Ruby HTTP application server before, we're taking the safe route by leaving it disabled by default. Enabling this can only be done globally by changing the Unicorn HttpRequest::DEFAULTS hash: Unicorn::HttpRequest::DEFAULTS["unicorn.stream_input"] = true Similarly, a Rack application can check if streaming input is enabled by checking the value of the "unicorn.stream_input" key in the environment hashed passed to it. All of this code has only been lightly tested and test coverage is lacking at the moment. [1] - http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1
2009-04-27test_upload: still uncomfortable with 1.9 IO encoding...
It seems most applications use buffered IO#read instead of IO#sysread. So make sure our encoding is set correctly for buffered IO#read applications, too.
2009-04-23Fix data corruption with small uploads via browsers
StringIO.new(partial_body) does not update the offset for new writes. So instead create the StringIO object and then syswrite to it and try to follow the same code path used by large uploads which use Tempfiles.
2009-04-16test_upload: ensure StringIO objects are binary
Sockets always return binary encoded data, so when StringIO.new(string) is called, that StringIO object inherits the encoding of the initial string it was created with. And yes, Ruby 1.9 still makes me seriously uncomfortable with I/O manipulation since the encoding layer does things behind my back. UNIX is (and should always be) just a bag of bytes! Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
2009-04-01test_upload: fix a race condition in unlink test
We need to ensure the next request has started processing before we can guarantee a temp file has been unlinked.
2009-03-25Ensure Tempfiles are unlinked after every request
Otherwise we bloat TMPDIR and run the host out of space, oops!
2009-03-18tests: do not trust (our correct use of) 1.9 encodings
Despite reading numerous articles and inspecting the 1.9.1-p0 C source, I will never trust that we're always handling encoding-aware IO objects correctly. Thus this new test uses UNIX shell utilities that should always operate on files/sockets on a byte-level. Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
2009-02-20test_upload: trap EPIPE if a connection shuts us down, too
Reset connections can also return EPIPE under Linux, not just ECONNRESET; so be sure to trap that error, too.
2009-02-20test_upload: close urandom fd at teardown
Prevent the GC from trying to close it (and hitting the wrong descriptor) when @random is reopened for running tests.
2009-02-13test_upload: fix rename under 1.8
Ruby 1.9 Tempfile objects can be passed directly to File.rename (instead of the pathname). This doesn't work in 1.8, so always just pass the pathname to File.rename.
2009-02-13Remove tempfile reuse from HttpRequest, upload tests
Tempfile reuse was over-engineered and the problem was not nearly as big a problem as initially thought. Additionally, it could lead to a subtle bug in an applications that link(2)s or rename(2)s the temporary file to a permanent location _without_ closing it after the request is done. Applications that suffer from the problem of directory bloat are still free to modify ENV['TMPDIR'] to influence the creation of Tempfiles.