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path: root/test
DateCommit message (Collapse)
2009-10-30test_helper: connect(2) may fail with EINVAL
Not documented on FreeBSD 7.2, but it seems to happen there and searching around, it seems to happen on other systems, too...
2009-10-13configurator: stop testing for non-portable listens
IPv4 addresses in the format of: "^[[:digit:]]+:[[:digit:]]+$" isn't very portable..
2009-10-07tests for read-in-full vs readpartial semantics
We modified TeeInput to have read-in-full semantics in most situations to suit existing apps and libraries (like Rails) that don't check for and handle partial reads correctly. The read-in-full semantics are needed by Rails because of this: https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/3343
2009-10-02test_helper: unused_port rejects 8080 unconditionally
Checking for addr to match the DEFAULT_HOST constant is wrong since having only will still prevent from being bound.
2009-10-02configurator: listen :delay must be Numeric
:delay may be a Float to represent fractional seconds.
2009-10-01Avoid a small window when a pid file can be empty
There's always been a small window of opportunity for a script to do File.read(pid).to_i would cause File.read() to read an empty file and return "". This closes that window while hopefully retaining backwards compatibility... We've always checked for dirname(pid) writability in Configurator, so we can safely write to a temporary file in the intended directory and then atomically rename() it to the destination path.
2009-09-30rails: RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT may be set in Unicorn config
Since Unicorn config files are written in Ruby, setting RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT should be possible (and even encouraged) in the config file if it is done at all.
2009-09-27test_signals: ensure we can parse pids in response
We don't want to accidentally kill every process in the process group.
2009-09-17SIGHUP no longer drops lone, default listener
When SIGHUP reloads the config, we didn't account for the case where the listen socket was completely unspecified. Thus the default listener (, did not get preserved and re-injected into the config properly. Note that relying on the default listen or specifying listeners on the command-line means it's /practically/ impossible to _unbind_ those listeners with a configuration file reload. We also need to preserve the (unspecified) default listener across upgrades that later result in SIGHUP, too; so the easiest way is to inject the default listener into the command-line for upgrades. Many thanks to James Golick for reporting and helping me track down the bug since this behavior is difficult to write reliable automated tests for. Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
2009-09-16test_exec: add extra tests for HUP and preload_app
Just to ensure we handle HUP correctly since preload_app changes the behavior of HUP handling a bit.
2009-09-08"encoding: binary" comments for all sources (1.9)
This ensures any string literals that pop up in *our* code will just be a bag of bytes. This shouldn't affect/fix/break existing apps in most cases, but most constants will always have the "correct" encoding (none!) to be consistent with HTTP/socket expectations. Since this comment affects things only on a per-source basis, it won't affect existing apps with the exception of strings we pass to the Rack application. This will eventually allow us to get rid of that Unicorn::Z constant, too.
2009-09-06http: ignore Host: continuation lines with absolute URIs
This probably doesn't affect anyone with HTTP/1.1, but future versions of HTTP will use absolute URIs and maybe we'll eventually get clients that (mistakenly) send us Host: headers along with absolute URIs.
2009-09-03Support HTTP/0.9 entity-body-only responses
HTTP/0.9 GET requests expect responses without headers. Some weird applications/tools still use the ancient HTTP/0.9 protocol for weird reasons, so we'll support them. ref: rfc 1945, section 4.1
2009-09-03http: add HttpParser#headers? method
This method determines if there are headers in the request. Simple HTTP/0.9 requests did not have headers in the request (and our responses we make should not have them, either).
2009-09-02http: SERVER_PROTOCOL matches HTTP_VERSION
And it'll default to HTTP/0.9 if HTTP_VERSION is not specified (as version-less HTTP requests imply HTTP/0.9.
2009-09-02test to ensure stderr goes *somewhere* when daemonized
Followup to commit 7f74a16406c92c4362ac20af4ccb8bc821cf978b, we want to ensure error messages do not get swallowed up into /dev/null when daemonizing; so we defer the default redirects to "/dev/null" to as late as possible.
2009-09-02test_http_parser_ng: fix failing HTTP/0.9 test case
SERVER_PROTOCOL is actually defined as "HTTP/1.1 even though it should not be for HTTP/0.9 responses.
2009-09-01http: support for simple HTTP/0.9 GET requests
HTTP/0.9 only supports GET requests and didn't require a version number in the request line. Additionally, only a single CRLF was required. Note: we don't correctly generate HTTP/0.9 responses, yet.
2009-08-18http: support for multi-line HTTP headers
While I still consider pound to be irrelevant, but I still sometimes get hand-crafted HTTP requests that come in with multiline headers. Since these are part of the HTTP specs and not difficult to support, we might as well support them for the sake of completeness.
2009-08-15Remove explicit requires for Rack things
Rack is autoload-based and so are we.
2009-08-15http: support for "Connection: keep-alive"
ab still sends this with HTTP/1.0 requests, which is unfortunate, but synthetic benchmarks are good for marketing purposes!
2009-08-15http_response: pass through unknown status codes
This lets clients can pass through newly-invented status codes that Rack does not know about.
2009-08-15Drop the micro benchmarks
It's not worth the effort to keep the internal API consistent between non-bugfix versions.
2009-08-15tee_input: make interface more usable outside of Unicorn
TeeInput being needed is now (once again) an uncommon code path so there's no point in relying on global constants. While we're at it, allow StringIO to be used in the presence of small inputs; too.
2009-08-15http_request: reinstate empty StringIO optimization
This makes a noticeable difference on light GET/HEAD requests. Heck, even the tests run a few seconds faster.
2009-08-11http: add "HttpParser#keepalive?" method
This should be used to detect if a request can really handle keepalives and pipelining. Currently, the rules are: 1. MUST be a GET or HEAD request 2. MUST be HTTP/1.1 3. MUST NOT have "Connection: close" set This also reduces the amount of garbage we create by globalizing constants and using them whenever possible.
2009-08-10http: rename read_body to filter_body
This method is strictly a filter, it does no I/O so "read" is not an appropriate name to give it.
2009-08-10test_signals: unlink log files of KILL-ed process
The normal at_exit handlers can't work here
2009-08-09test_exec: wait for worker readiness
Otherwise Ruby could get confused and not be able to reap the process correctly (and thus wait a long time for timeout).
2009-08-09test_util: explicitly close tempfiles for GC-safety
Otherwise they might be picked up by the GC during the other tests (exposed by Ruby 1.9.1-p243).
2009-08-09http: join repeated headers with a comma
Since Rack requires a Hash object, this is joined in in accordance with rfc2616, section 4.2[1]. Of course, it's up to the framework or application to handle such requests. I could optimize this to avoid creating a single garbage String object, but I don't think it's common enough to worry about... [1] - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2
2009-08-09http: add test for invalid trailer
Just in case clients decide to get cute.
2009-08-09http: unit tests for overflow and bad lengths
We're bound by the maximum value of off_t when handling input bodies (we need to buffer to disk). Also ensure we stop bad clients that send us unparseable lengths.
2009-08-09Switch to Ragel/C-based chunk/trailer parser
This should be more robust, faster and easier to deal with than the ugly proof-of-concept regexp-based ones.
2009-08-09test_upload: extra CRLF is needed
Our current TrailerParser is liberal and does not require it, but the to-be-activated Ragel one is not.
2009-08-09http: preliminary chunk decoding
2009-07-20Update Rails tests to run on Rails
2009-07-19fix tests to run correctly under 1.9.2preview1
test/test_helper doesn't seem to be required correctly anymore, since we know our own module/test names don't conflict, just fix RUBYLIB to include $(test_prefix) With test_util.rb, using #reopen with Tempfile objects seems prone to the objects being closed. Not completely sure what is going on but I'll just sidestep around it since I've stopped trusting Tempfile by now...
2009-07-16move all #gets logic to tee_input out of chunked_reader
This simplifies chunked_reader substantially with a slight increase in tee_input complexity. This is beneficial because chunked_reader is more complex to begin with and more likely to experience correctness issues.
2009-07-15Rename unicorn/http11 => unicorn_http
We couldn't do proper namespacing for the C module so there was a potential conflict with Init_http11() in Mongrel. This was needed because Mongrel's HTTP parser could be used in some applications and we may be unfortunate enough need to support them.
2009-07-04Favor Struct members to instance variables
There's a small memory reduction to be had when forking oodles of processes and the Perl hacker in me still gets confused into thinking those are arrays...
2009-07-01Force streaming input onto apps by default
This change gives applications full control to deny clients from uploading unwanted message bodies. This also paves the way for doing things like upload progress notification within applications in a Rack::Lint-compatible manner. Since we don't support HTTP keepalive, so we have more freedom here by being able to close TCP connections and deny clients the ability to write to us (and thus wasting our bandwidth). While I could've left this feature off by default indefinitely for maximum backwards compatibility (for arguably broken applications), Unicorn is not and has never been about supporting the lowest common denominator.
2009-06-30TrailerParser integration into ChunkedReader
Support for the "Trailer:" header and associated Trailer lines should be reasonably well supported now
2009-06-30trailer_parser: set keys with "HTTP_" prefix
2009-06-30chunked_reader: Add test for chunk parse failure
I'd honestly be more comfortable doing this in C (and possibly adapting the code from the libcurl internals since that code has been very well-tested).
2009-06-30Add trailer_parser for parsing trailers
Eventually this (and ChunkedReader) may be done in C/Ragel along with the existing HttpParser.
2009-06-29chunked_reader: simpler interface
This won't be heavily used enough to make preallocation worth the effort. While we're at it, don't enforce policy by forcing the readpartial buffer to be Encoding::BINARY (even though it /should/ be :), it's up to the user of the interface to decide.
2009-06-29configurator: provide stream_input (true|false) option
The default is false because some applications were not written to handle partial reads (even though IO#read allows it, not just IO#readpartial).
2009-06-29"Fix" tests that break with stream_input=false
2009-06-29test_rails: workaround long-standing 1.9 bug
Now that I've beefed out my Makefile to detect errors, I've noticed this test has been failing under 1.9 for a while now. Currently no released version of Rack(1.0) or Rails( supports this.